Legal Services
Lawson & Murphy offers extensive, cost-effective legal services, with General Counsel available to clients whenever needed. So if you don’t have in house legal counsel, you don’t have to spend $10,000 on an attorney’s retainer to handle unexpected issues.
Considering Legal Action?
If you are considering legal action, you may need to discern potential cost versus benefit up front. Lawson & Murphy can help you determine what legal option may be best— or suggest alternatives that can produce better outcomes.
If you have current Judgments that have been placed against you (personally or against your business), Lawson & Murphy can help alleviate these problems. After decades working closely with banks and courts, company staff often know creative, legal solutions to resolve serious matters threatening your business.
Lawson & Murphy legal counsel can work on a contingency basis and charge only minimal filing fees to start. That means you may be able to reduce or eliminate legal difficulty without exorbitant up front costs.
Lawson & Murphy wants to serve as your trusted partner to protect and grow your business. With multi-sector expertise and a wide range of resources, you gain a “one stop shop” for all your legal and business needs.